Kao što verovatno već znate, izašao je novi broj casopisa Svet, a u njemu i Vanja, Zorana, Madlena i ja, u rubriciSvet Style. Ideja je bila da osmislimo letnje outfite, a mi smo dodale malo slojeva, čisto da bude zanimljivije i više inspirativno, nadam se da vam se dopada!:) Što se grupne slike tiče, tema je bila rekreacija jedne slike koja nam se svidela, uz puno pastelnih tonova i cupcakes-a, girly theme!:)
Šminku je radio fenomenalni Srdjan Petković, fotografiju Andreja Damnjanović a stilista i modna urednica Sveta je Vanja Pantin.
So here is us, Vanja, Zorana i Madlena and me in Serbian weekly magazine about celebrities "Svet", which has a new fashion section called "Svet style" and they wanted from blogger girls to show their summer outfits as a right fashion advice for women, what to wear these days. We made a layar outfits, because it's more interesting that way, right. And on the group picture, the theme was pastel dresses and cupcakes, hope u like it...:)