My Hot Electronics announced on Monday that it would extend its Cyber Monday sale for an entire week. The sale will end on December 2 at midnight. Sales available include items for the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Apple, Sony, Cisco, various furniture products, shoes, toys, clothes, home and garden products, tablets, TVs, auto parts, laptops, computer parts, cameras, home theater systems, jewelry, projectors and thousands of other low priced items.
On the Xbox 360, a variety of items are on sale for the extended Cyber Monday holiday sale at My Hot Electronics, including top games, consoles, controllers, and game membership cards.
The Xbox Kinect sensor is available for $99.95, 10% off of the retail price of $109.99. The Kinect allows for gamers to operate a game through running and moving in front of the Xbox Kinect sensor bar, which is set on a TV. Many new games are set up for the use of the Kinect, which does not need a controller or a headset for use and takes a picture of the player's movements and commits them to memory to track their progress and voice through a particular game.
The store has the Xbox 360 wireless controller available for $33.99, 32% off of the retail price of $44.99. The Xbox 360 controller has a 30 foot range, allowing for strong range anywhere around the room. The controller as an adjustable variation feedback for an extended battery life. On 2 AA batteries, the controller gives up to 40 hours of life in the device. The controller also has a plug-in area for headset connection to use Xbox Live.
Speaking of the Xbox Live, My Hot Electronics has a variety of Xbox Live membership cards on sale for up to 44% off for the extended Cyber Monday sale. Xbox Live is regarded as one of the top online gaming memberships available in the industry and allows for gamers to watch entertainment through the Xbox 360 console, including popular TV and movie applications such as Netflix, Hulu Plus and others. It women's jackets online also allows for users to watch ESPN programming, UFC events, Nickelodeon and other top networks with applications. Recently, the system became enabled for gamers to browse the internet on Microsoft Internet Explorer. The cards are available in 12-Month ($43.05), 3-Month ($13.05), and 1-Month ($1.98).
My Hot Electronics also has deals on various Xbox 360 consoles for the extended Cyber Monday sale and for the holidays as well. The store has the 250GB Xbox 360 bundle with two games available for $219.95, 27% off of the retail price of $299. The bundle comes with Forza 4, Skyrim, 1 month subscriptions to Hulu Plus, Epix, and Xbox Live.
Another bundle available is the Xbox Kinect Holiday Bundle, which is available for $249, 18% off of the retail price of $299.99. The system features the 4GB Xbox 360 console, the Kinect sensor, and the Kinect Disneyland and Kinect Adventures video games. The system also has the free 1 month subscriptions to Xbox Live, Hulu Plus, and Epix.
The store also has new deals on various Playstation Vita games, accessories and consoles. The store has a variety of Playstation Vita console bundles available for shipping, including the new Lego Batman 2 DC Super Heroes Wi-Fi bundle. The set is available for $275.96 and features the Vita console and the Lego Batman 2 DC Super Heroes game.
Another Playstation Vita console available is the Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified bundle. The system is priced at $242.00 currently and comes with the new Call of Duty game and the Playstation Vita Wi-Fi bundle. Vita bundles are also available for Madden NFL 13 and Assassin's Creed III.
My Hot Electronics has many new WWE titles were announced for release and are available for preorder for the upcoming holiday season and into the month of January and February, with markdowns in place.
The Attitude Era in the WWE was considered one of the most revolutionary and transitional times in the history of wrestling as a whole. From all of the antics with renegade groups such as D-Generation X and The Nation to the classic matches with performers such as The Undertaker, Kane, Triple H, and Shawn Michaels to legendary rivalries with Stone Cold Steve Austin and Vince McMahon and the unpredictability of Monday Night Raw, Thursday Night Smackdown and the Pay-Per-View megaevents, this era gave fans a new sense of entertainment and in many ways, changing what the establishment stood for. My Hot Electronics is now taking orders on the new Attitude Era 3-disc DVD or 2-disc Blu-ray for $19.49 on Blu-ray and $24.99 on DVD.
Recently, WWE released the documentary based on the rebellious group of the 90s in WCW, the NWO (New World Order). My Hot Electronics currently has the NWO: Revolution Blu-ray available for $22.70. The set features interviews, footage and candid comments about a group who transformed WCW on-and-off camera.
On the blu-ray edition, the popular WWE Classics show, Legends of Wrestling Roundtable based on the NWO is included with Kevin Nash, one of the original members of the NWO, being in the discussion. The set has many key moments, matches, interviews and vignettes that show how strong the NWO actually was during the mid-to-late 90s in the history of professional wrestling.
The store also has the new WWE Raw 100 DVD and Blu-ray available for preorder. On July 23, 2012, WWE celebrated its 1000th episode of Monday Night Raw, making it one of the longest running series in television and moving the show from its 2 hour format to a permanent 3 hour format.
The set will contain top moments of the historic show, counted down from 100 to 1, and will also contain the entire 3-hour WWE Raw 1000 show with interviews with many of the performers on the show that night. The countdown will contain moments including Stone Cold Steve Austin, D-Generation X, The Rock, Mick Foley, John Cena, Vince McMahon and the McMahon family, many celebrities, and many more top stars. The blu-ray version of the set will contain the Legends of Wrestling Roundtable based on the History of Monday Night Raw. The release date for this set is December 11, 2012.
My Hot Electronics recently added thousands of furniture pieces to its store for the holiday season and the extended Cyber Monday sale. The store has deals of up to 80% off on furniture for the bedroom, bathroom, home entertainment centers, living room, kitchen and home office. The sale on furniture pieces will be good until Christmas Day.
For those who are going to be doing a bit of grilling during the spring and summer, My Hot Electronics has deals on various indoor and outdoor grills and accessories. Currently,the store has the Coleman
9949-750 Road Trip Grill LXE for 35% off during the extended Cyber Monday holiday sale. The LXE is a 36 inch propane collapsible grill that is good for home or for a road trip. It features built-in tool holder and side tables that allows for the consumer to easily carry and take down. The system also features InstaStart electronic ignition, eliminating the use of matches to ignite the system. The LXE also comes with many mix and match surfaces, allowing the grill to be used as a griddle and a stove. The LXE is priced at $129.99, down from $199 during the sale.
The Sony VAIO laptops are available in various styles and sizes - and marked down during the early Cyber Monday sale at My Hot Electronics. Sony has many notebooks under $600, and many of the laptops include the Windows 8 software, Intel Core processors, strong Sony media applications, as well as solid state hard drives.
For the holiday season only, My Hot Electronics will have deals on various shoes in the top styles in all sizes. Top brands available include Asiacs, Nike, Reebok, Adidas, and more. The store will have low prices on the popular UGG boots and shoes from Australia for both men and women.
In the new sporting goods section, My Hot Electronics has low prices on various NFL gear for the home stretch of the NFL season. The store has low prices on NFL hats, jerseys, home and garden items, office products, and many sports collectibles from legendary teams such as the 49ers, Giants, Packers, Cowboys, Bears, Dolphins, and every other team in the league.
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